
Showing posts from March, 2017

Oracle Enterprise Manager Last Backup timestamp is incorrect

Oracle Enterprise Manager 13 has a nice feature that shows the last backup timestamp on the home page of each target database. You can see this info directly in the SYSMAN.MGMT$HA_BACKUP table of the EM repository database. However , sometimes you may notice that this time stamp is older than the latest current backup . To add to the confusion if you navigate to "Availability->Backup&Recovery ->Backup Reports, you will see the true current time stamp which doesn't align with the time stamp shown on the target page. This is because the metric collection job that updates the SYSMAN.MGMT$HA_BACKUP table, only runs every 12 hours by default. At 12am/pm UTC. If you would like a particular target to update more frequently, you can use emcli . Example command shown below ./emcli modify_collection_schedule \ -targetType="oracle_database" \ -targetNames="MYDB" -collectionName="haconfig1_collection" \ -freqType="HOUR" -freqValue=...

Install Open SSH on Windows with Chocolatey

While Windows PowerShell does come with Remote PowerShell  it can be a bit cumbersome to work with. I find SSH to be far simpler in multi-OS environments. (If you're a pure Windows shop, consider sticking with Remote PowerShell). Setting up SSH is on Windows is now easier then ever with the Chocolatey repository. #To install Chocolatey - from elevated PowerShell Prompt iwr -UseBasicParsing | iex #To install openssh with ssh daemon choco install openssh -params '"/SSHServerFeature"' -y At this point you should be able to ssh from this machine and to this machine #To connect to another ssh server from the host with ssh installed ssh remoteserverip or hostname To connect to this Windows machine, use your preferred ssh client and login as a user with local admin on the machine. i.e. ssh adminstrator@windowsmachineip Now, optionally you can setup SSH key authentication. # To enable ssh keyauth Restart Windows #To ...

Managing Statistics on Oracle databases for PeopleSoft

Collecting statistics on Oracle databases for PeopleSoft is unique, due to the way PeopleSoft is designed to be "database agnostic". As result the built-in means to collect statistics on Oracle databases is not known to work well with PeopleSoft installations. Therefore, some custom settings are recommended. See Oracle documentation E-ORA Methods to Gather Statistics on PeopleSoft Oracle Databases (Doc ID 1345124.1). Basic Setup This is a high level walk through of statistics collection for PeopleSoft on Oracle database 11g+. First, disable the built in job called the ”auto optimizer stats collection”.  To disable it, run the SQL below:  (this assumes your schema is SYSADM) BEGIN DBMS_AUTO_TASK_ADMIN.DISABLE( client_name => 'auto optimizer stats collection', operation => NULL, window_name => NULL); END; / Next, we need to setup some database preferences. According to Oracle Doc ID 1345124.1, we should set our preferences as follows ...