
Showing posts from November, 2018

Cleanup Oracle ADR trace files on Linux

Here's a nice loop cleanup the Oracle DB trace files on Linux with the adrci utility. #!/bin/bash #cleanup Automatic Diagnostic Repository (i.e trace files) #set oracle_home (have a script with your home info) source ~/ #list current repo size echo "" echo "##############size before############" du -shx /u01/app/oracle/diag echo "" echo "Listing diag directory homes..." echo "" ADR_HOMES=`adrci exec="show homes" |grep -v "ADR Homes:"` adrci exec="show homes" |grep -v "ADR Homes:" echo "" echo "" #Set-up loop for each home # for f in $ADR_HOMES do echo "purging $f older than 1 week" #Slow ADRCI Execution When Purging Files After Upgrade to 12.2 (Doc ID 2335738.1) adrci exec="set homepath $f; purge -age 10080 -nolog" done #list ADR repo size after echo "" echo "##############size after####...